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The Boat Centre, Oxford Road, Eynsham, Witney, OX29 4DA

CALL US: 01865 684069 | 07596 020189

Guitar Shop Web Designers
Our Story

Guitar Shop Web Designers UK

We build guitar websites not guitars, but we are just as passionate about great guitars and playing with them. My father had a 5 floor music shop back in Oxfordshire UK many years ago. I used to spend hours hours, working, looking and playing with all the cool instruments. Every time i walk back into a music shop, it takes me back to that time, the smell, the feel of your first musical instrument.

Oh did i mention i like to barter...? Guitars in exchange for awesome website design that gets your company found on the search engines.

guitar shop web designers
Guitar Shop Web Designers UK

Passionate About Music

Sadly many independent guitar and music shops are going from our high streets, whether from high rents, retirement or pressure from online stores. We will build you a website that competes with the online music stores.


electric guitar web design
Our Passion

Guitar is Supposed

Online Guitar Store

We will build a website to promote your company online, personally i like to go to a independent guitar shop, talk with someone who knows their trade, you fall in love with a guitar or the guitar picks you, it should not be based on a reviews. You need to hold, play and listen to its soul.

If you want your business to also sell online, we can develop an ecommerce music store, where you can sell all types of instruments and accessories online all over the UK or worldwide.

Acoustic Guitar web designers
Acoustic Guitar
Electric Guitar web designers
Vintage Electric Guitars
Jazz Guitar web designers
Jazz Guitars
Acoustic guitar web design & development

Want to Know More?

We love building websites, we love playing guitars, lets build you something we are both passionate about.
web designers passionate about playing guitars