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Landscape Architects - Landscape Contractors

garden Designers

We are leading website designers for the garden construction industry. We work alongside garden designers, landscape architects, landscapers contractors and garden centres with creating and building dynamic websites with built-in organic SEO.

Image is everything within the garden industry. Your clients will open a website that grabs their attention with a stunning design. Your web site then requires an easy route for a new client to say ‘YES’ let’s meet.

Swanky Pixels know the importance that’s placed on first impressions, many clients make their mind up on just the home page. Your website is usually the first point of contact that a potential client will see.

Photography will play a huge part in the overall site design. Imagery is today’s navigation through your website rather than using a menu, plus having multiple call to actions, email here, call us, see out latest case study.

Let’s make 2025 your ‘WOW’ year. We have Web design – Web SEO and Professional Photographers that will not just get you on page one but to BE Number One.

If that’s what you would like you need the Swanky Pixels Effect.